Mercy Corps Indonesia (MCI) carries out a Managing Risks through Economic Development (MRED) in Dolo Selatan and Kulawi sub-districts in Sigi Regency, which aims to increase community knowledge and capacity in disaster risk reduction (DRR) and livelihood resilience. One of the activities is to develop Nexus plants which aim to reduce the impact of disasters, but also have economic value for the people who live in the vicinity.
PENTA Foundation was assigned a 12-day assignment to find appropriate recommendations and interventions related to Nexus commodities. Along with MCI field team, PENTA identified potential and market constraints, marketing strategies, and sources of financing that could potentially support the Nexus commodities.
In the early stages of implementing the Nexus program, a market survey was conducted on the commodity being developed under the Nexus program, namely Citronella Wangi (Cymbopogon Nardus). This activity aims to get a clear picture of the business potential of the Nexus commodity which will ultimately facilitate all parties involved, both farmers and BUMDES in planning the development of the Citronella plant business.
The MRED program has facilitated the planting of 3 ha of citronella grass, provided distillation facilities with a capacity of 200 kg in Pulu Village, Dolo Selatan District, and training for citronella oil refining for Village Owned Enterprises / BUMDES members.
A number of intervention recommendations were obtained, such as the development of potential citronella grass derivative products as soap and aromatherapy, as well as business development of potential plantation crops such as durian, bamboo and avocado.