GESI ANALYSIS – IUWASH Pasar Mercy Corps Indonesia

Dec 2023 – Feb 2024

PENTA  Foundation has assigned by Mercy Corps Indonesia to conduct GESI Analysis in WASH sector for IUWASH Pasar Program that funded by USAID. This assessment has held in Probolinggo City, East Java Province and Pare-Pare, South Sulawesi Province in Dec 2023.

USAID IUWASH Pasar will achieve its goal through three objectives:

  1. Improved business environment to foster greater private sector contribution for WASH services and products;
  2. Enhanced viability of WASH businesses and increased availability of affordable, desirable WASH products and services to underserved market segments; and
  3. Improved key WASH behaviours for increased demand with correct and consistent use of WASH products and services.

PENTA also facilitated  a one-and-a-half-day sense-making workshop in Jakarta, attended by the USAID and IUWASH Pasar team.

The result of this GESI analysis will identify relevant gender issues for USAID IUWASH PASAR project and recommended strategies to mainstream and promote GESI within project activities that will be formulated into USAID IUWASH PASAR Gender and Inclusive Development Action Plan (GIDAP). It will also be used to support defining gender sensitive indicators and potential negative impact to mitigate on USAID IUWASH PASAR AMEL (Activity, Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning) Plan, as well as to support defining behaviour change objectives, theory of change and inputs that will be formulated through SBC (Social Behaviour Change) strategy.

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